About Me

Hello! I am Slobodan Nesovic and I was born in former Yugoslavia, today’s Serbia. As a teenager I went through several challenging experiences that my country faced. 

We went through total sanctions and a crippling embargo, which caused the greatest inflation and financial crisis our people have experienced in modern times.

We also went through a war in our former republics (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia) that has created 4 million refugees around the world. My family hosted a refugee family from Croatia for two years during that time. I was lucky that I had a strong father figure and a provider which helped me to navigate those hard times.

Why I became a therapist:

My passion for psychology and psychospiritual development has been burning for over twenty years.

I was in my late teens when I discovered the magic of spiritual experiences in the Arizona desert and when I started to study books by various authors such as Plato, Lao Tzu, Castaneda, and Hermann Hesse.

Those books were initiations into other ways of knowing about human nature and the universe, which eventually inspired me to study psychology at UCLA and clinical psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), due to the body-mind-spirit orientation of the institute.

Ever since these transformational discoveries in Arizona, I love studying psychology and its various applications in psychotherapy practice. I enjoy learning about human experience, the dark and light aspects, and discovering the most efficient ways of healing and living a fulfilling life. I have been doing psychotherapy for over 16 years at various clinical settings as an intern, a psychological assistant, and most recently as a licensed clinical psychologist (PSY28761).

I graduated from the CIIS (APA accredited) as a doctor of clinical psychology in December 2011. I received a B.A. degree in psychology from UCLA (University of California Los Angeles). Parallel to mainstream psychology, I have 22 years of experience and training as energy medicine and energy psychology practitioner.

About Me

Hello! I am Slobodan Nesovic and I was born in former Yugoslavia, today’s Serbia. As a teenager I went through several challenging experiences that my country faced. 

We went through total sanctions and a crippling embargo, which caused the greatest inflation and financial crisis our people have experienced in modern times.

We also went through a war in our former republics (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia) that has created 4 million refugees around the world. My family hosted a refugee family from Croatia for two years during that time. I was lucky that I had a strong father figure and a provider which helped me to navigate those hard times.

Why I became a therapist:

My passion for psychology and psychospiritual development has been burning for over twenty years.

I was in my late teens when I discovered the magic of spiritual experiences in the Arizona desert and when I started to study books by various authors such as Plato, Lao Tzu, Castaneda, and Hermann Hesse.

Those books were initiations into other ways of knowing about human nature and the universe, which eventually inspired me to study psychology at UCLA and clinical psychology at California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS), due to the body-mind-spirit orientation of the institute.

Ever since these transformational discoveries in Arizona, I love studying psychology and its various applications in psychotherapy practice. I enjoy learning about human experience, the dark and light aspects, and discovering the most efficient ways of healing and living a fulfilling life. I have been doing psychotherapy for over 16 years at various clinical settings as an intern, a psychological assistant, and most recently as a licensed clinical psychologist (PSY28761).

I graduated from the CIIS (APA accredited) as a doctor of clinical psychology in December 2011. I received a B.A. degree in psychology from UCLA (University of California Los Angeles). Parallel to mainstream psychology, I have 22 years of experience and training as energy medicine and energy psychology practitioner.

My approach to therapy:

My approach to psychotherapy is influenced by spiritual teachings of world religions, energy psychology, as well as energy healing arts such as Qi Gong and Reiki.

I am trained in psychoanalysis and I am well informed by psychodynamic approaches as well. Due to my background and training I call my approach PsychoEnalysis, where E stands for energy. 

I am skilled at facilitating natural healing processes that involve the human energy structure. I see humans as whole beings, functioning on physical, psychological, energetic, and spiritual dimensions.

All four levels of functioning are in constant communication and dynamic interaction. 

Often there are imbalances in one part of the system that have negative effects on all other parts. I work with my clients on identifying these imbalances, which are often hidden from our awareness, deep in our unconscious mind.

After many years of direct work with clients I understand that the most important aspect of making the unconscious into conscious is the relationship between a therapist and a client. The potential for working through trauma, anxiety or depression greatly increases when there is resonance in the therapy room.  

What I like to do for fun:

I am a father of two very active kids who are a joy to teach and do fun things with. 

I am a huge enthusiast of quantum medicine. I have some of the latest instruments in the field that measure biological and psychological functioning based on bioresonance and natural frequencies of healthy organs and pathogens. Non-Linear Systems is a non-invasive and harmless diagnostic procedure wherein electromagnetic signals help determine the Homeostasis or health status of the organs of your body.

I am interested in the work of Nikola Tesla. I am a huge fan of Tesla, and I follow the work of modern scientists who use his patents to create instruments for healing.  

I am a huge fan of basketball, and I love to play recreationally. I also work out regularly and follow sports in general.

I also love to travel, visit sacred sites, admire the beauty of pristine nature, and enrich my life by immersing myself in different cultures, and meeting new people. 

Quotes I find inspiring:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -- Nikola Tesla.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Gustav Jung

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” ― John Wooden.

My approach to therapy:

My approach to psychotherapy is influenced by spiritual teachings of world religions, energy psychology, as well as energy healing arts such as Qi Gong and Reiki.

I am trained in psychoanalysis and I am well informed by psychodynamic approaches as well. Due to my background and training I call my approach PsychoEnalysis, where E stands for energy. 

I am skilled at facilitating natural healing processes that involve the human energy structure. I see humans as whole beings, functioning on physical, psychological, energetic, and spiritual dimensions.

All four levels of functioning are in constant communication and dynamic interaction. 

Often there are imbalances in one part of the system that have negative effects on all other parts. I work with my clients on identifying these imbalances, which are often hidden from our awareness, deep in our unconscious mind.

After many years of direct work with clients I understand that the most important aspect of making the unconscious into conscious is the relationship between a therapist and a client. The potential for working through trauma, anxiety or depression greatly increases when there is resonance in the therapy room.  

What I like to do for fun:

I am a father of two very active kids who are a joy to teach and do fun things with. 

I am a huge enthusiast of quantum medicine. I have some of the latest instruments in the field that measure biological and psychological functioning based on bioresonance and natural frequencies of healthy organs and pathogens. Non-Linear Systems is a non-invasive and harmless diagnostic procedure wherein electromagnetic signals help determine the Homeostasis or health status of the organs of your body.

I am interested in the work of Nikola Tesla. I am a huge fan of Tesla, and I follow the work of modern scientists who use his patents to create instruments for healing.  

I am a huge fan of basketball, and I love to play recreationally. I also work out regularly and follow sports in general.

I also love to travel, visit sacred sites, admire the beauty of pristine nature, and enrich my life by immersing myself in different cultures, and meeting new people. 

Quotes I find inspiring:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." -- Nikola Tesla.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Gustav Jung

“Be more concerned with your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.” ― John Wooden.

Don't wait any longer

You deserve to experience balance in your life - to have a deep purpose, meaningful relationships and peace of mind about where you are and where you're going. This is possible. Let's work together to make this a reality for you

Don't wait any longer

You deserve to experience balance in your life - to have a deep purpose, meaningful relationships and peace of mind about where you are and where you're going. This is possible. Let's work together to make this a reality for you.

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Santa Monica, CA 90403