Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the office located? Or are you virtual?

(Dr. Slobodan’s) My practice is online only through a secure video platform that is HIPPA approved. 

What are your office hours?

Office hours are 7am to 3pm.

How long is a typical session?

Sessions are 50 minutes long, with a possibility for a longer (75 mins) session when working on difficult trauma.

What do I do to get started and make an appointment?

Please use a contact form on this website, a phone call, or an email to reach out and set an appointment.

What is the hourly fee?

Hourly fee is $350 for a 50 minute session. Sliding scale is available and the fee is determined according to household income.

How do I pay?

You can pay with a debit card through a secure portal. 

Can I cancel an appointment?

Appointments can be canceled 24 hours in advance without a late fee. Late fee is the same price as the session.

What is the age range of your clients?

Age range is 21 to 65. 

How long will I be in therapy?

This is determined by the goals of the therapy. Brief therapy typically lasts 3-4 months, while a typical client who has multiple goals remains in therapy for 1 year.

Do I have to tell you everything?

The biggest misconception is that one has to tell everything what happened to be helped. I am using several techniques for trauma work (EFT, PEAT) that do not require talking about the details of the trauma to be healed.

Do you offer video sessions?

Video and phone sessions are available. 

How do I know if you are the right therapist for me?

It can take 2-3 sessions to really know if I’m someone you can do good work with. The first one is a bit awkward and can “be a lot” of just information gathering, so I strongly encourage you to commit to at least 3 sessions to get a good feel for the type of style I have and the relationship.

How long have you been in practice?

I have been in private practice for 7 years. I have worked as a clinical psychologist for over 16 years in various settings.

What are your strengths as a therapist?

My strengths are compassion, creative empathy, ability to work with difficult issues, and passion for helping people.

What do you enjoy about being a therapist?

I enjoy moments when clients realize that they made significant progress and start living their life with renewed enthusiasm.

Have you been in therapy yourself?

Yes, I have been in therapy myself and have had great benefits from my experience with two different therapists.

What is your educational background?

I graduated from UCLA with bachelors in psychology, and I received my Master’s and Doctorate from California Institute of Integral Studies.

Do you prescribe medications?

No, however, I collaborate with client’s psychiatrists when necessary. 

Are you licensed?

I am licensed in the State of California with the California Board of Psychology.

Do you take notes?

I take a lot of notes during the first two sessions, however, later in the treatment I typically do not take notes during the session.

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Contact Me Now

Santa Monica, CA 90403